Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Flower Alphabet

A is for Acacia and Chasteness of Love
B is for Begonia, Dark Thoughts and Blood
C is for Cloves and Noble Dignity
D is for Dahlia and Instability
E is for Eglantine and Sweet Poetry
F is for Fennel and Worthy of Me
G is for Goats Rue, Logic and Reason
H is for Honeysuckle, Rustic Beauty and Season
I is for Ivy, Friendship and Marriage
J is for Jasmine, Grace, Elegance and Carriage
K is for King-Cups and Desire of Riches
L is for Lily and Returning my Wishes
M is for Mallow, Gentle and Mild
N is for Nettle both Cruel and Wild
O is for Olive and Deep Lasting Peace
P is for Primrose and Your Love that will Cease
Q is for Quince and Damning Temptation
R is for Rose, Red in pure Exultation
S is for Sweet Pea and Delicate Pleasure
T is for Tulip and full of Loves Treasures
V is for Violet, Sweet all Modesty
W is for Wallflower and Fidelity
Y is for Yew in Sadness and Sorrow
Z is for Zinnia and Thoughts of the Morrow

1 comment:

  1. I hope and wish that our life have all that qualities from A to Z, lovely flowers.
    send gifts pakistan
